Friday, June 22, 2012

1 week down.....11 to go!

I did it!!!  I finished the first week of the Couch to 5K program and the first week of the 30 Day Ab Challenge (which is actually going to be every other day for me :) I am really, really sore, but in a good way!  I have to say that this morning I was actually looking forward to doing the running part.  It wasn't easy, but I wasn't dreading it either.

If I complete one month of the program I'm getting myself these as incentive to finish!

The ab challenge is over the top hard.  I found it on Pinterest and you can view it here.  I am only doing it on the days I don't run, and I was only able to complete a little over half of it the three times I did it. 

This is the hardest exercise....but I love the blog where the workout it posted because it has tons of pics like this to show you exactly how the workout should look.

It's a killer and my abs are feeling it.  The V-ups are the worst and I still can't do 25 of them, but I'm getting better!  Here's hoping all this exercise gives me more energy during the school year and helps me handle my stress in a healthier way!!!


  1. Way to go completing week one!! I have the first few weeks written down.. waiting... collecting dust! And great reward for yourself, they look awesome!! Keep up the good work!!

    1. Thanks Sam!!! I can honestly say, I am not a fan of working out. I ran cross country in high school and never really loved it the way some people love running, but I always LOVED the competition. I'm super duper competitive so if I make something a challenge for myself with a reward at the end I am more likely to accomplish it. Today starts week two...hoping for the best!!


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